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How to control your fear of general anesthesia?

  How to control your fear of general anesthesia? In this article: Is it Normal to fear of general anesthesia?  What is General anesthesia? Why do you fear general anesthesia? Refuting fear of general anesthesia.  References. Your doctor scheduled you for general anesthesia? Are you scared?? The second answer is most probably YES if the first was yes. Is it Normal to fear of general anesthesia? That’s normal, Fear of general anesthesia was in some trials up to 89 % of patients in the pre-anesthesia stage. And that fear was mainly toward general anesthesia 62 %, rather than the surgery itself 15 %. So The first step to control your fear of general anesthesia is knowing that it's normal and humanistic. The second step is knowing what is exactly general anesthesia. The third step in controlling your fear from general anesthesia is refuting this fear and assessing if it makes sense or not. What is General anesthesia? General anesthesia is putting your body in a state of s...

What does an anesthesiologist do? The unrecognized hero.

   What does an anesthesiologist do? The unrecognized hero.  In this article, we will cover the following points. Introduction . Public awareness about the anesthesiologist . Why the public doesn’t know much about the anesthesiologist? What does an anesthesiologist do? Who is the anesthesiologist? What types of anesthesia does an anesthesiologist provide? What is the role of an anesthesiologist in managing chronic pain? References. 1-Introduction. The first concerns of anyone undergoing a surgical operation are: who is my surgeon, Then which hospital do I choose? Thinking that it’s the main parameters they have to investigate when it comes to their safety. But most people don’t simply know that their safety before, during, and after the surgical operation is the responsibility of another man. The anesthesiologist. the unrecognized hero. In this article will know who is the anesthesiologist, what does he do? why he is a hero and why is he unrecognized? 2-Public awarene...

Heartburn home remedies & Lifestyle tips for heartburn treatment.

  Heartburn home remedies & Lifestyle tips for heartburn   treatment. In this article Heartburn treatment options. Lifestyle modifications for heartburn treatment. Heartburn home remedies. References. Heartburn is an annoying health problem anyone suffers, It alters our lifestyles dramatically especially if it's frequent or persistent. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading information everywhere regarding heartburn home remedies and heartburn relief.  In this article, you will find very useful, simple, and scientific bits of advice & tips for heartburn relief. We will go through two main points : Lifestyle modifications for heartburn treatment. Heartburn home remedies. And if you want more details about Heartburn definition, causes, complication and management click here 1.        Lifestyle modifications for heartburn treatment. Lifestyle modification is the first treatment option for heartburn treatment. And will protect you from serious...

Heartburn (GERD) Definition, causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment.

  Heartburn (GERD)   Definition, causes,   symptoms, complications, and treatment. In this article we will cover thee following topics regarding HEARTBURN Definition . Causes . Symptoms . Complications . Treatment . References. Heartburn (GERD)   definition: Heartburn ( also known as GERD   or Acid reflux) is a burning sensation in your chest   behind   your sternum   (breast bone),Sometimes the patient feels the pain is rising upwards. This pain increases by: Eating. Lying down. At Night. Heartburn prevalence : Heartburn or GERD is a very common symptom worldwide. Official Statistics in Nov.2020   reveals that almost 20 % of the adult population in the united states suffers from heartburn. But actually, the prevalence is much higher because a lot of patients seek OVER THE COUNTER   heartburn medications before any medical consultation. Heartburn causes : Heartburn (GERD) happens when the stomach leaks its contents ( acid and/or food...

What is Medicaclear

  Medicaclear   Medicaclear  is offering updated medical information regarding diseases, Medications, health tips,  Medical branches.  and human anatomy & Physiology. All information in this blog is referenced and simplified to be suitable for everyone. What is the importance of   Medicaclear ? Medicaclear is offering simple & referenced medical information which is must-know information for everybody these days. Very long exhausting working hours, junk food, long traffic time, disturbed sleeping pattern and the everywhere stress.  That's our lifestyle nowadays, And we can't change it, But we can and we have to know more about our bodies, and our health to protect ourselves and to minimize the catastrophic impact of this lifestyle. And here comes the second problem. Regarding medical information either we found exaggerated junk only for the sake of traffic without real benefit. or we found trusted but complicated information. So we offer t...