Heartburn (GERD) Definition, causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment.
Heartburn (GERD) definition:
Heartburn ( also known as GERD or Acid reflux) is a burning sensation in your chest behind your sternum (breast bone),Sometimes the patient feels the pain is rising upwards. This pain increases by:
- Eating.
- Lying down.
- At Night.
Heartburn prevalence :
Heartburn or GERD is a very common symptom worldwide. Official Statistics in Nov.2020 reveals that almost 20 % of the adult population in the united states suffers from heartburn.
But actually, the prevalence is much higher because a lot of patients seek OVER THE COUNTER heartburn medications before any medical consultation.
Heartburn causes :
Heartburn (GERD) happens when the stomach leaks its contents ( acid and/or food) into t the tube that carries food to the stomach(esophagus).Normally upon swallowing, the muscle at the end of the esophagus (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes allowing food to flow down into the stomach. Then, the muscle tightens again.
But under certain conditions, this sphincter loosens causing the leakage of the stomach content (Acid Reflux)which results in heartburn.
But take care: Severe or sudden or persistent heartburn needs immediate medical consultation as it may be an underlying condition for a cardiac problem.Risk Factors for heartburn (GERD).
- Excessive body weight.
- Old age.
- Smoking.
- Meals size.
- Meals timing ( especially before sleeping ).
- Diminished physical activity.
- Depression & Stress.
- Pregnancy.
- Many bariatric surgeries.
Heartburn (GERD) Symptoms.
Well, the most common symptom of heartburn is heartburn!!
A burning sensation in the chest often radiates towards the
mouth, This may or may not be associated with regurgitation of the stomach
content & sour taste in the back of the mouth.
Strangely many heartburn symptoms aren't directly related to
the digestive tract, as one of the most remarkable symptoms of heartburn is
persistent cough !!!!
That simply happens during acid reflux radiating towards
your mouth. Its droplets enter accidentally to the respiratory tract and messing a lot causing
many respiratory symptoms like:
- Sore throat and feel a lump in its back.
- Bronchospasm (chest tightening and shallow breath ).
- Cough.
- Wheezing.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Asthma.
Other symptoms of heartburn also include nausea and vomiting, weight loss due to decreased appetite.
Heartburn (GERD) Complications.
The first complication is the annoying feeling that may
dramatically affect your daily routine, some cases are mild and others are
Seeking medical consultation if heartburn became a
persistent complaint can control or eliminate the symptoms.
If left untreated many serious complications can arise like
Erosive esophagitis: The esophagus isn't designed to
deal with the radiating stomach acid, So with time erosion to the esophageal
wall occurs with varying degrees according to the severity of the case and time
of medical consultation.
Esophageal stricture: Narrowing of the esophagus
leading to difficulty in swallowing.
Barrett's esophagus: Long exposure to stomach acid without seeking medical consultation. this leads to changes in the structure of the esophageal tissue which may lead to cancerous disease.
Heartburn (GERD) Treatment.
1-Lifestyle Modification:
The first line of treatment in heartburn and the most effective in many cases.
Lifestyle modification includes:
- Head Of Bed (HOB) elevation: its the most effective proven management of persistent heartburn, its logic, let's make the gravity in our side.
- Elimination of late-night meals & snacks. Never sleep just after eating if you are suffering heartburn.
- Meals size reduction, especially fatty meals.
- Controlling Obesity.
- Quitting alcohol and smoking.
- Avoiding tight-fitting clothes that makes pressure on the abdomen.
2- Medications :
The main objective of medications is relieving symptoms and/or preventing the damage of the esophagus this includes:
Many over the counter medications to relieve symptoms including direct antacids, H2 antagonists, and proton pump inhibitors. All these medications are mainly to reduce stomach acid effect or production.
As respiratory symptoms may be present as discussed earlier so the physician may prescribe medications for cough, asthma, bronchodilators, etc….
At last, I hope that this article added value to you.
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